Saturday, October 4, 2008

Phone's photos

Well,took quite alot of photos using my phone but i never display it before...

This is just a a photo of my english classroom...-.- where i hate the most >.<

Well,chemistry class,and...tats Adam..he is a tall guy..a very tall guy..-.-

Construction room,with a stack of woodworks..

Last Christmas....

Hand in cash(before went back to malaysia of course)

Welcome to Kam Palace =)

Trick or treat~~ =)
She intended to be a chinese zombie -.-

Took in malaysia.......

Frankfurt Airport....

Dublin Airport...

Want some fags???

An apple a day,keep doctor away =)

Wat the hell,it took me more than an hour to upload all these bloody meaningless photos..-.-

Well lads,damn pissed with my life so i just took a photo using webcam...

MP3 suddenly out of battery while doing homework today...
totally out of mood!!!

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