Today's construction exam was quite easy,it let me found no difficulties in it,but the maths was so....terrible..-.- i think no more 100 percent this time XD
Despite what I have just said,now I am facing a huge problem right now,I am totally doomed,I need to find a way to improve my like...seriously improve within the coming 6 months!!!
And I read a passage about learning English.To learn English,you must have a good dictionary with you.Well,which I only have a small and simple dictionary besides my bed..
And we have to start learning the names of all the thingy around us...which I found it quite difficult to do so...-.-
Well,I hope I wont fail my English paper...
Argh!!!I miss secondary school life so much!!Those days without much pressure..actually I had none of them because I never study >.< The Choo sitting beside me...always did those stupid gayish actions...but my favourite part was the back scratching part..LOL..i think no one's gonna forget bout tat..rite ccm??!!We summore divided into 8squares which allowed us to scatch
And I remember there was once...I think Giok Aik started it..using 2 exercise books to clamp on others' ears..-.- well,undeniable,tat was just pure stupidity and childish....But we still managed to play it quite often..haaa..shame on us..XD
And of course I remember that most of us like to take off our uncomfortable shoes in class and walk in bare feet..-.- and Ms Lim...She was damn damn damn cute la!!!haha..WEAR UR SHUUUUU......remember how she used to scold us??omigod!!!damn funny man...wear ur shuu wear ur shuu....and she even kicked our shoes to the bin!!!haha...She is a great teacher la...
And Pn Munira...haiz...everyday TIA use...wat also TIA..didnt underline also everyday came in class to look for rubbish on the floor....deducted all our marks for moral paper and whole class failed...XD stupid la many people don marry go marry a p!g.....
and the most unforgettable teacher in my whole life!!!MR THONG KAM SUN!!I suppose i spelled it wrongly.....but I damn hate him la...and he hates me as well...XD remember how I quarrelled with that jackass twice??!!He damn brainless la...scold my dad for what..summore scolded me 'yong shou'...who also will angry la!!LOL,but I feel quite funny when that scene reappears in my mind..XD he summore ask me why not respecting him when i can respect my dad....and i still remember what i told him..U ARE NOT MY DAD MA..SO WHAT I RESPECT YOU WHEN YOU DON RESPECT ME?!
And do ye remember that arts teacher...i have forgotten his damn name but he was a joker as well.....all his famous quotes..'syaitan','enam kaki bawa'....and the afternoon session arts teacher as well....always like to cut my hair..and complain that our drawing was like ' air kencing'
and the Mr Wong,everyday morning stands up there talk cock....'MBS PLUP PLUP PLUP!!(it will sound this way when you read MBS PLAY UP PLAY UP PLAY UP rapidly..)lol,and the Pn Gan...always thought herself is the principal...and thought herself is a professional barber...summore need so expensive...-.-
Well,of course there are more funny stuffs happened in MBS......